Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 30
Seats Available: 4
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-23-170: Reimagining Visibility
Arts 2023/2024

Description: COHORT 2: Please only sign up for 1 cohort - D75 Office of Arts Education and the Guggenheim for All program have partnered to develop a sensory inspired art marking experience for students in D75 focusing on the exhibition Going Dark: The Contemporary Figure at the Edge of Visibility. This program will culminate in a showcase of student artwork at the Guggenheim, Saturday, June 1.
During this PD teachers will engage with the exhibition and discover how the art room is filled with ways to engage in literacy; from reading and discussing artworks, writing artist statements, to demonstrating what was learned through artistic expression.
By coming to the workshop, teachers agree to complete a 3-part program with the students in your class. This includes observing and learning about the artists in the exhibition (asynchronous guided videos from GFA) , discovering new techniques and artmaking, as well as showcasing the students work at the culminating celebration and exhibition. Program Guides and lesson topics will be given to teachers at the PD. - Priority Given to D75 Art Teachers

Amanda Mcfee

Course Date & Location:
8:10 to 3 pm
The Guggenheim Museum - Education Center