Course Details

Course Open: Yes
Maximum Available Seats: 20
Seats Available: 2
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-24-237: Strengthening Integrated ENL Instruction (Three-day Institute)
English Language Learners 2024/2025

Description: This 3-day Institute will focus on how ENL and special education teachers can strengthen integrated ENL instruction to best meet the needs of their ELL students. 1. The first session will provide ENL and classroom teachers with an overview of the CR Part-154 co-teaching requirements for integrated ENL instruction. We will explore the different models of co-teaching while providing participants with the opportunity to brainstorm ways to incorporate this into their instructional practice. 2. The second session will focus on creating content and language objectives for Integrated sessions. 3. The third session will explore the Science of Reading and what that looks like with linguistically diverse students. It is a requirement that teachers register in pairs (one ENL teacher and one special education teacher). Between each session, participants will receive follow-up coaching support.

Melissa Scala & Lyudmila Turkina

Course Date & Location:
11/26/2024, 01/07/2025, 03/11/2025
8:10 to 3:00
400 1st Ave. 8th Floor, New York, NY 10010