Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 50
Seats Available: 50
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-23-266: Planning Interview Procedures and Planning Interview Form (PIF)
Counseling 2023/2024

Description: This training will review Planning Interview Procedures and the Planning Interview Form (PIF). A review of documents, processes, and paperwork will be discussed, and relevant resources will be provided. Planning Interviews are scheduled for students who are beyond compulsory age who either express an interest in leaving school, are chronically or severely chronically absent, have 20 consecutive absences, and/or, might otherwise benefit from whole child supports and deeper level of engagement with the school, as determined by the school. Participant should have access to ATS when taking this course.

Edward O'Connor & Nazli Rodriguez

Course Date & Location:
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM