Course Details
Course Open: Waiting List
Maximum Available Seats: 20
Seats Available: 0
Course Cancelled?: No
Maximum Available Seats: 20
Seats Available: 0
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-23-4993: Cricut For Your Classroom!
Autism, Instructional Technology (STEM), Transition 2023/2024
Description: This full day PD will focus on creating interdisciplinary instructional experiences using a Cricut. The day will include a classroom visit to 811Q's Cricut Corner with an opportunity to observe and learn about different resources needed to get started. You will have time to apply your learning to your own classroom through identifying student needs, preferences and a connection to IEP goals to help design your lesson plans. You will leave with a plan to get started.
Danielle Vandunk & Dierre Taylor
Course Date & Location:
8:10am to 3:00pm
6125 Marathon Parkway Little Neck, Queens 11362
Autism, Instructional Technology (STEM), Transition 2023/2024
Description: This full day PD will focus on creating interdisciplinary instructional experiences using a Cricut. The day will include a classroom visit to 811Q's Cricut Corner with an opportunity to observe and learn about different resources needed to get started. You will have time to apply your learning to your own classroom through identifying student needs, preferences and a connection to IEP goals to help design your lesson plans. You will leave with a plan to get started.
Danielle Vandunk & Dierre Taylor
Course Date & Location:
8:10am to 3:00pm
6125 Marathon Parkway Little Neck, Queens 11362