Course Details
Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 30
Seats Available: 15
Course Cancelled?: No
Maximum Available Seats: 30
Seats Available: 15
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-23-248: Autism Seminar
Counseling 2023/2024
Description: This full day Autism Workshop addresses evidence-based interventions and strategies for working with students with Autism in counseling. Participants will be responsible for utilizing strategies in counseling sessions and sharing outcomes with other participants. Participants are required to bring an example of one strategy they have used in sessions for students with Autism. Recommended participants for this training include social workers, guidance counselors, and school psychologists who provide mandated counseling services to students with Autism.
Alyssa Marko & Grace O'Donohue
Course Date & Location:
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
In-person. Location: 400 1st Ave, NY, NY
Counseling 2023/2024
Description: This full day Autism Workshop addresses evidence-based interventions and strategies for working with students with Autism in counseling. Participants will be responsible for utilizing strategies in counseling sessions and sharing outcomes with other participants. Participants are required to bring an example of one strategy they have used in sessions for students with Autism. Recommended participants for this training include social workers, guidance counselors, and school psychologists who provide mandated counseling services to students with Autism.
Alyssa Marko & Grace O'Donohue
Course Date & Location:
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
In-person. Location: 400 1st Ave, NY, NY