Course Details

Course Open: Yes
Maximum Available Seats: 60
Seats Available: 15
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-18-225: IEP Writing for New Teachers
IEP Development 2018/2019

Description: This TWO DAY professional development is for any teachers who have been teaching for District 75 for less than a year. Participants will be provided guidance through presentation, discussions and hands on activities in how to navigate SESIS and write a viable, both technically and in content, IEP. Participants will be provided with materials that will enable them to write IEPs that will meet federal, state and city regulations and guidelines, as well as translate to the daily classroom environment. Partipants are required to bring one finalized paper IEP with the student's name and Identification number removed. This PD addresses Danielson Framework rubric: 1E,1F,2D,3C,3D,3E,4E,and 4F.

Sherri Lafond

Course Date & Location:
09/26/2018, 01/07/2019
8:10 to 3:00
400 First Avenue, First Floor, NY,NY 10010