Course Details

Course Open: Waiting List
Maximum Available Seats: 25
Seats Available: 0
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-18-521: Paraprofessionals As Partners: How Teachers & Paras Can Work as an Instructional Team
Early Childhood 2018/2019

Description: Do you often wonder how you can work more cohesively with your paraprofessional toutilize their skills, and knowledge within theclassroom to increase student growth across all learning domains? As teachers, we often workindependentlyto design lessons, organize our classroom environment,and assess our students in addition to implementing many other responsibilities . What if some of those tasks can beshared with our teaching team to create a well-managed, highly effective classroom environment that focuses on quality instruction for all, and at the same time foster independence in your students?This workshop will lay the groundwork for how to design learning opportunitiesinclusive of paraprofessionals in order to maximize instructional timeso that the classroom runs seamlessly.Participants will be expected to complete assignments, and show ongoing classroom evidence of district professional development content.

Allice Danner

Course Date & Location:
8:10am to 3:00pm
(D75, 400 First Avenue, 3rd fl, New York NY 10010)