Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 28
Seats Available: 28
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-24-215: Essential Elements-Standards for Instruction for Students who Participate in Alternate Assessment
Alternate Assessment 2024/2025

Description: This PD will focus on understanding the Essential Elements and its relationship to the general education standards, resources available via the Dynamic Learning Maps website, and curriculum development in relation to the Essential Elements. This PD can be attended by a maximum of two people per school consisting of any combination of the following titles; administrator, school-based coach, and identified teacher leaders.

Candice Steffen

Course Date & Location:
11/22/2019, 12/05/2019
8:10 am to 3:00 pm
D75, 8th floor, 400 First Ave., New York, NY 10010