Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 30
Seats Available: 17
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-18-198: Running Records: Nuts & Bolts
Literacy 2018/2019

Description: The Nuts & Bolts of Running Records (MOSL) ASSESS ANALYZE ACTION The administration and analysis of running records provides teachers with an understanding of the self-monitoring strategies and types of miscues (meaning, structure, visual) students make when engaging with text. In this workshop participants will learn how to effectively administer and analyze running records in order to move students along the developmental reading continuum. Participants will increase their knowledge of the developmental stages of reading and gain an understanding of the cognitive processes readers rely upon in order to derive meaning from text.

LEAH VASQUEZ & Mary (Molly) Brown

Course Date & Location:
8:10am to 3:00pm
(D.75, 400 First Avenue, 8th Floor, New York NY 10010)