Course Details

Course Open: Yes
Maximum Available Seats: 70
Seats Available: 8
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-18-232: IEP Coordinators Institute
IEP Development 2018/2019

Description: This Professional Learning Community is geared towards the participation of school's IEP Coordinator/ Point Person identified by the school's Principal. A close look will be paid not only to Best Practices in writing the IEP , but, the thought process of how and why it is written and the protocols around the document. The concept of fidelity and quality of the document as well as current information will be explored through presentation, discussion and activities. Throughout the day we will be addressing the Danielson Framework Rubric Domains: 1A,2A, 2D, 3B, 3C, 3D and 4E

Sherri Lafond

Course Date & Location:
10/24/2018, 01/25/2019, 03/07/2019, 04/11/2019, 06/07/2019
8:10 to 3:00
400 First Avenue, First Floor, NY,NY 10010