Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 30
Seats Available: 11
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-18-233: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Progress Monitoring
IEP Development 2018/2019

Description: How does the data you keep, live in your classroom? This THREE DAYprofessional Learning Community will provide guidance to all pedegogies and related service providers in how to create documents that will generate proficient and viable data collection to support instructional decision making through fidelity and accuracy of Annual Goal writing and IEP Progress Monitoring. Close attention will be paid to what Progress Monitoring is, as well as Best Practicesfor its execution. All participants are to bring a student's paper IEP that has been finalized with the student's name and Identification Number blacked out. Throughout the three days we will be addressing the Danielson Framework Rubric Domains: 1A,2A, 2D, 3B, 3C, 3D and 4E.

Sherri Lafond

Course Date & Location:
12/07/2018, 12/11/2018, 05/17/2019
8:10 to 3:00
400 First Avenue, First Floor, NY,NY 10010