Course Details

Course Open: No
Maximum Available Seats: 50
Seats Available: 21
Course Cancelled?: No
D75-24-240: Writing Comprehensive Annual Goals
IEP Development 2024/2025

Description: This in-person, full-day session focuses on how to determine and write comprehensive annual goals based on a student's current skillset, expected rates of progress, and transition needs. Participants will learn to identify academic target skills, select relevant scaffolds, determine criteria for assessing mastery, and choose an appropriate monitoring schedule. During the breakout session for teachers/providers of students who participate in alternate assessments, participants will examine relevant assessment data reports and other student data, such as transition-based assessments, to identify appropriate annual goal target skills. The coinciding breakout session for teachers/providers of students who participate in standardized assessments will focus on identifying academic needs through the IEP's Present Levels of Performance, standardized assessment performance results, and transition planning documents. Participants will have the opportunity to practice writing annual goals for their own students with feedback from the instructor. The session will close with a review of Federal and State progress reporting requirements. A device that can access SESIS is recommended; otherwise please bring a printed, redacted IEP to work from.

(212) 802-1522

Course Date & Location:
8:00 AM to 3:00 PM
400 1st Avenue, Manhattan, NY 10010